January 30th 2014
Shelduck, 21 at EIDB: Common Teal, 70 at EIDB: Tufted Duck, 19 at EIDB (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 49
January 28th 2014
Common Teal, 20 at EIDB, 57 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 13 at EIDB: Cormorant, the Estonian ringed bird on EIDB jetty: Common Sandpiper, 1 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 3 at Bow Creek: Pied Wagtail, 1 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek: Meadow Pipit, 2 at Bow Creek (John Archer).
yearlist running toal: 49
January 27th 2014
Common Teal, 18 at EIDB: Tufted Duck, 12 at EIDB (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 49
January 24th 2014
Shelduck, 18 at EIDB: Common Teal, 6 at EIDB: Tufted Duck, 18 at EIDB: Peregrine Falcon, 1 on the Millennium Dome: Pied Wagtail, 1 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek: (Canary, 1 in the copse at EIDB): Reed Bunting, 1 at EIDB (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 49
January 23rd 2014
Mute Swan, an adult on the Thames off EIDB: Shelduck, 1 at EIDB, 2 at Bow Creek: Common Teal, 5 at EIDB: Tufted Duck, 37 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek: Common Sandpiper, 1 at Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 1 at EIDB: Pied Wagtail, 1 at Bow Creek (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 49
January 22nd 2014
Shelduck, 21 at EIDB: Common Teal, 10 at EIDB: Tufted Duck, 29 at EIDB: Common Sandpiper, 2 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 4+ at Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 1 singing at Virginia Quay: Linnet, circa 25 at Limmos Peninsula (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 49
January 20th 2014
Shelduck, 23 at EIDB, 2 at Bow Creek: Common Teal, 6 at EIDB: Tufted Duck, 27 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek: Common Sandpiper, 2 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 2 at Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 1 singing at EIDB: Pied Wagtail, 2 at EIDB: Chaffinch, 7 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek: Linnet, 1 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 49
January 19th 2014
Mute Swan, 1 at EIDB: Canada Goose, 3 at EIDB: Shelduck, 15 at EIDB: Common Teal, 3 at EIDB, 113 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 29 at EIDB: Sparrowhawk, 1 at Bow Creek: Peregrine Falcon, 1 flew west at Bow Creek: Redshank, 26 at Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 1 singing at Bow Creek: Chiffchaff, 1 at Bow Creek: Jay, 1 at Bow Creek (Nick Tanner).
yearlist running total: 49
Shelduck at EIDB, 19/01/2014 (Nick Tanner)
January 18th 2014
Mute Swan, 1 at EIDB: Canada Goose, 3 at EIDB: Egyptian Goose, 2 flew south at Bow Creek: Shelduck, 12 at EIDB, 2 flew south-east at Bow Creek: Common Teal, 2 at EIDB, 136 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 37 at EIDB, a male at Bow Creek: Kestrel, 1 at Bow Creek: Common Sandpiper, 2 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 27 at Bow Creek: Meadow Pipit, 1 at Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 2 at Bow Creek: Pied Wagtail, 1 at EIDB (Nick Tanner).
yearlist running total: 48
January 17th 2014
Mute Swan, 1 at EIDB: Shelduck, 28 at EIDB: Common Teal, 8 at EIDB, 90 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 19 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek: Cormorant, the Estonian ringed bird on EIDB jetty: Common Sandpiper, 2 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 25 at Bow Creek: Meadow Pipit, 4 near Saffron Avenue flew towards Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 1 at Bow Creek: Pied Wagtail, 1 at EIDB (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 48
January 15th 2014
Mute Swan, 1 at EIDB: Shelduck, 14 at EIDB: Common Teal, 68 at EIDB, 57 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 20 at EIDB: Cormorant, the Estonian ringed bird on EIDB jetty: Redshank, 26 at Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 1 at EIDB: Jay, 1 at EIDB, 2 at Bow Creek (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 48
January 14th 2014
Shelduck, 14 at EIDB: Common Teal, 3 at EIDB: Tufted Duck, 17 at EIDB: Black-headed Gull, an aberrant plumaged 1st-winter with white primaries on the Thames off EIDB (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 48
January 13th 2014
Shelduck, 5 at EIDB: Common Teal, 58 at EIDB, 100+ at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 19 at EIDB: Cormorant, the Estonian ringed bird on EIDB jetty: Common Sandpiper, 1 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 32 at Bow Creek: Jay, 1 at EIDB (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 48
January 12th 2014
Mute Swan, 1 at Bow Creek: Greylag x Canada Goose, 1 at Bow Creek with a Canada Goose: Egyptian Goose, 2 flew west at EIDB: Shelduck, 3 at EIDB, 2 at Bow Creek: Common Teal, 8 at EIDB, 235 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 7 at EIDB: Sparrowhawk, 1 at Bow Creek: Peregrine Falcon, 2 at Bow Creek: Common Sandpiper, 3 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 17 at Bow Creek: Meadow Pipit, 1 at Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 1 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek: Pied Wagtail, 2 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek: Mistle Thrush, 1 singing at Bow Creek: Chaffinch, 4 at EIDB (Nick Tanner).
yearlist running total: 48
January 11th 2014
Mute Swan, 1 at Bow Creek: Shelduck, 9 at EIDB: Common Teal, 11 at EIDB, 81 at Bow Creek: Shoveler, a male at EIDB: Tufted Duck, 10 at EIDB: Common Sandpiper, 4 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 21 at Bow Creek: Meadow Pipit, 1 flew south at Bow Creek: Pied Wagtail, 1 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek: Jay, 1 at EIDB: Chaffinch, 5 at EIDB: Reed Bunting, 2 in the pylon reedbed at Bow Creek (Nick Tanner).
yearlist running total: 45
January 10th 2014
Mute Swan, 1 at Bow Creek: Shelduck, 7 at EIDB: Common Teal, 33 at EIDB: Grey Wagtail, 1 at EIDB:
Black Redstart, a female type flew from the copse at EIDB onto Orchard Wharf (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 43
Black Redstart at EIDB, 10/01/2014 (John Archer) |
January 9th 2014
Mute Swan, 1 at Bow Creek: Shelduck, 1 at EIDB: Common Teal, 6 at EIDB: Redshank, 4 at Bow Creek: Meadow Pipit, 1 near Saffron Avenue: Grey Wagtail, 1 at EIDB (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 42
January 8th 2014
Tufted Duck, 3 at EIDB: Pied Wagtail: 1 on the Millennnium Dome flats (John Archer).
yearlist running total: 42
January 7th 2014
Shelduck, 3 at EIDB: Common Teal, 54 at Bow Creek: Mallard, 68 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 10 at EIDB: Common Sandpiper, 2 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 2 at Bow Creek (Ian Stewart).
yearlist running total: 42
January 5th 2014
Shelduck, 3 over EIDB: Common Teal, 9 at EIDB, 76 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 14 at EIDB, 2 males at Bow Creek: Common Sandpiper, 3 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 13 at Bow Creek: Black-headed Gull, circa 180 at EIDB: Great Black-backed Gull, an adult and a food-begging juvenile at EIDB: Pied Wagtail, 1 at Bow Creek (Nick Tanner).
yearlist running total: 42
January 4th 2014
Shelduck, 16 at EIDB, 6 roosting on the Millennium Dome flats: Common Teal, 1 at EIDB, 58 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 15 at EIDB, a male at Bow Creek: Common Sandpiper, 1 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 16 at Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 1 at Bow Creek, Pied Wagtail, 1 at Bow Creek (Nick Tanner).
yearlist running total: 42
January 3rd 2014
Shelduck, 10 at EIDB: Common Teal, 69 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 34 at EIDB, a male at Bow Creek: Common Sandpiper, 1 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 19 at Bow Creek: Meadow Pipit, 1 flew west at Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 1 at EIDB (John Archer, Nick Tanner).
yearlist running total: 42
January 2nd 2014
Mute Swan, 1 at Bow Creek: Canada Goose, 2 flew south and 3 flew north at Bow Creek: Shelduck, 19 at EIDB: Common Teal, 21 at EIDB, 6 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 29 at EIDB: Grey Heron, a flock of 10 flew in from the south-east and roosted on Limmo's Peninsula: Sparrowhawk, 1 at EIDB: Kestrel, 2 at Bow Creek: Common Sandpiper, 2 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 24 at Bow Creek: Stock Dove, 1 at Limmo's Peninsula: Grey Wagtail, 2 at EIDB, 1 at Bow Creek: Pied Wagtail, 2 at EIDB, 2 at Bow Creek: Fieldfare, 1 flew west at EIDB: Jay, 1 at EIDB: Chaffinch, 5 at EIDB: Linnet, 2 flew south at Bow Creek (John Archer, Nick Tanner).
yearlist running total: 41
January 1st 2014
Shelduck, 15 at EIDB, 2 at Bow Creek: Common Teal, 4 at EIDB, 56 at Bow Creek: Tufted Duck, 24 at EIDB, a male at Bow Creek: Common Sandpiper, 1 at Bow Creek: Redshank, 17 at Bow Creek: Grey Wagtail, 2 at EIDB: Pied Wagtail, 1 at EIDB, 2 at Bow Creek: Chaffinch, 5 at EIDB (Nick Tanner).
yearlist running total: 28